2018-2019 Grants Available for Stillwater Area Nonprofits

The Stillwater Area Community Foundation’s 2018-19 grant cycle is now open to qualified non-profit organizations. This year’s funding priorities will focus on programs addressing four key community issues:

  • Diversity awareness
  • Homelessness
  • Affordable housing
  • Transportation

Based on feedback from community leaders, the Foundation has opted to narrow the focus and potential impact of its funding dollars to these four pressing community issues.

Who Qualifies?

Applications will be considered from nonprofit organizations serving people living in Bayport, Baytown Township, Grant, Lake Elmo, Marine on St. Croix, May Township (including Withrow), Oak Park Heights, Stillwater and West Lakeland Township (north of Highway 94).

What Qualifies?

Funding will be considered for projects that are action oriented or centered on building awareness by convening community conversations. Organizations may apply for funding for up to two years to support new or existing programs.

As a direct result of the growing endowment for Stillwater Area Community Foundation, up to $30K will be awarded this year to strengthen and improve area communities. The application deadline is October 31, 2018. Grants will be awarded in December.

How To Apply:

Download the grant application at https://stillwaterareafoundation.org/grants/ .

For more information about Stillwater Area Community Foundation grants, contact Margi Miller, 715-386-9490, [email protected]

Submit application to:

Stillwater Area Community Foundation
1809 Northwestern Avenue
Stillwater, MN 55082

Or submit application via email:

[email protected]



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