The Stillwater Area Foundation is honored to announce the recipients of its most recent competitive grant program. This winter, the Stillwater Area Foundation awarded $7,000 to four organizations in the Stillwater area through its competitive grants program.
“Our competitive grants are meant to enhance the quality of life for Stillwater Area residents” remarked Maria Reamer, chairperson of the Stillwater Area Foundation Board. “Since our founding in 2010, we have been working to build and grow an endowment fund, which will address our community’s changing needs for years to come.”
The Stillwater Area Foundation provides donors with the opportunity to add to or create funds for causes that are closest to their hearts. The advantage of these funds is their mission is unchanging yet they remain current and flexible. We cannot guess tomorrow’s issues or know which organizations can best address those issues at that time. However, through the Foundation’s endowment and the competitive grant program, the Stillwater Area Foundation places grant dollars in the most capable hands at the right time, in perpetuity.
“We live in a wonderful community, and we are fortunate that we have committed and generous donors who imagine an even better Stillwater” said Maria Reamer. “It is a real honor to put our donor’s dollars to work in our community through these grants”
Stillwater Area Foundation Grants Awarded
EVOLVE Adoption & Family Services $2,500.00 to train social workers with a new program called Wise Up and implement its practices in Kids Connect for adopted/foster children in the Stillwater area.
Silver Sobriety $2,500.00 Funding to start up chemical dependency services for older adults.
Canvas Health $1,000.00 To hire a dedicated staff person for the Homeless Youth Outreach Program.
Community Thread $1,000.00 to hire a dedicated staff person for chore service program for the elderly